Month: February 2024

Place value

This week we have revised of what we know about Placevalue. We have also started learning about how a number can be represented in many different ways. Our task was to write a four digit number and put them into boxes and write the word of the number. Here is my work

SSR Selfie

Maori Warriors were some of the scariest warriors the world has ever known. Their braveness and savageness are literally legendary. Throughout their history war was a part of their own Maori life. Conflicts over land and insults of any type were the main catalyst for war.

Tiriti Project

Today we were talking about the Treaty of Waitangi, The Treaty of Waitangi is usually reffered or called Te tirit as a document of a central importance to the history of New Zealand, its constitution, and its national mythos. Here is my work.

Visual Pepeha

Today we had to do our pepha, a pepeha is like where you are from or something about you. Here is my video and my picture. Here is my pepeha.

Ko Waha o Te Riri me Hikurangi nga maunga.

Ko Mangonui me Waiapu nga awa.

Ko toki Matawhaorua me Mukutere me Matatua nga waka.

Ko Ngāpuhi me Ngāti Porou oku iwi.

Ko Ngāti Rēhia me Te – Whanau – a Karuwai.

Ko Fern ahau.

Place value

Today we were doing place value. Place value is the basis of our entire number system. It is the value of each digit in a number. In other words, the position of a digit in a number determines its value. For example, the 5 in 350 represents 5 tens, or 50; however, the 5 in 5,006 represents 5 thousands, or 5,000. Here is my work

Managing Bookmarks

Today we we had to manage our bookmarks with Miss white, first where to take a screenshot of what our bookmark looked like then we had to show you guys this step, third i had to switch a bit of bookmarks to make it look bit better.

What I need to improve on is switching my bookmarks faster

Care Vaules

Today we are learning about care values, care vaules commitment to quality of care, confidentiality, collaborative working, communication, respect and dignity, compassion, choice and diversity. Here is my work


Today we were learning about bookmarks. For our bookmarks silde we had to answer the question to which student had the most appropriate folder. There was student 1 2 and 3. Student 1 bookmarks were Goku image search, NRL image search, Writing week 1, Pancakes recipe, Cool Maths games and Youtube. The second student had Writing week 1, Writing week 2, Class Site 2019, Class Site 2018, Google Images and Youtube. The last student had School Site, Class Site, Class Blog, My Blog, Google Drive and Gmail.

Explain which student had the most appropriate bookmarks on their bookmarks bar in the comments.

Here is my work.