Month: August 2023

Good sportmanship

Personal Space

Today I’m talking about Personal space, personal space is the physical space immediately surrounding someone, into which encroachment can feel threatening or uncomfortable. Personal space is really important because it helps people feel safe and comfortable. If someone invades your personal space, it can feel quite uncomfortable and unwanted. Some children don’t understand what personal space is, so they may need gentle reminders. Here is my work

Scientific Method

Today I did my scientific method and what I had to do is write some steps. Here are some steps about scientific methods.

  • Make an observation or ask a question.
  • Gather background information.
  • Create a hypothesis.
  • Create a prediction and perform a test.
  • Analyze the results and draw a conclusion.
  • Share the conclusion or decide what question to ask next: Document the results of your experiment.

Here is my work

Fern place value Rafyel, Roman and Tuteao

Today me and roman also Tuteao and Rafyel were doing our Place value. Also In math, every digit in a number has a place value. Place value can be defined as the value represented by a digit in a number on the basis of its position in the number. For example, the place value of 7 in 3,743 is 7 hundred or 700. However, the place value of 7 in 7,432 is 7 thousand or 7,000. Here is my work